Previous My Masai Next My Boys My Girls Year 2013 Material Acrylic, Bronze Subject The subject LADY UPSIDE DOWN WITH DOTS BATHING SUIT ON LADDER Bronze painted 22" high of 56 cm edition of 20 NATALIA Bronze painted edition of 20 SKINNY DIPPING Bronze painted 20" x 6" x 5" with pedestal edition of 20 THE THREE DIVERS Bronze painted MEDITATION Stainless steel, Bronze, Resine, Acrylic, Stone casting 9″x7″x18″ or 46cm haut TORSO WITH THE ARM Stainless Steel (Torso 19″ or 50cm high) edition of 12 PETRA Bronze patine 33″ or 84 cm Edition of 12 LADY WALKING HER DOG 33" High or 84 cm haut Bronze patine with marbre base Edition of 20 GUCCI Bronze patine 20″Lx 14″high or 51cm Lx 35cm haut Edition of 12 Yearning to Be Free Bronze (Red or white) editon of 20 per color 70″ high Yearning to Be Free Acrylic (Blue or red) editon of 20 per color 70″ high Lady Upside Down Acrylic editon of 20 per color 22″ high MICHELLE Acrylic 10″x13″ or 25x33cm JOYCE Bronze polish with acrylic dress 24″ high or 60cm LA FONTAINE Bronze patine 15″ high or 38cm haut SERAFINA Bronze Polish 23″hight or 59cm CHARLOTTE Bronze 8″x6 1/2″x 3 1/2″ or 20x16x9cm 3 Graces Bronze patine edition of 12 11″x15″ or 28x38cm EMMANUELLE Bronze patine 31″x23″ or 80x59cm STEVIE Bronze patine 26″x11″x31″ or 67x28x80cm